Wow. Okay, it has been a long time since I have posted anything on this blog, and reading back over past posts I realize how great a distance I have come in how I see myself.
About a month ago I got back from a five month "discipleship training school" in Mexico. God changed everything for me. He chose that time in my life to answer some of the questions I had been asking a long long time. He chose that time to heal me of the loneliness I couldn't remember living a day without. All those "deep" things I talk about in my old posts... He became the piece that fit in all those caverns in my soul. And now I am alive. I don't know what other way to put it. Like our good friend Job says after his major encounter with the Lord...
"My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you."
Maybe thats all that needs to be said. I recant of my former statements about myself. I am uniquely beautiful... full of desire, longing, and burning for the LORD. I am not going to let the lies of the enemy overcome me anymore. So my blog wont be quite as darkly poetic as used to be, but I am new excited for this new chapter. I'm ready to share with you the things I am passionate about. Ready to engage in the conversation of how we can make this world a better place. Ready to just let myself be human, just like everybody else, and walk this life out together, doing the best we can to shine a light.
So yeah. Lets get moving.